Archive by Month: November 2018

Want to Protect Your Company From FCPA Violations? Train Your People and Audit Your Operations

Offshore Account Update

Posted in on November 30, 2018

Under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, U.S. individuals and businesses are prohibited from bribing foreign officials. That seems clear enough. But the problem is things are often not what they seem. Unfortunately for unsuspecting companies, many violations of the FCPA are the result of ignorance of what could constitute a bribe under the law. Other violations occur because individuals in a company will do whatever they can to keep business humming, even if it violates the federal anti-bribery statute.

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New Jersey Firms Could Be at Risk for Money Laundering: How to Protect Your Business


Posted in on November 16, 2018

Money laundering happens in a variety of situations and in all different kinds of businesses. Basically, money laundering is the act of concealing illegally obtained money through actions designed to disguise the money’s origins by creating a false trail that seems to indicate it is the result of legitimate enterprise.

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