Credit Suisse Making Preparations to Comply with U.S. Authorities: Potential Civil and Criminal Investigations into U.S. Clients with Undisclosed Offshore Accounts

Offshore Account Update

Posted on August 15, 2012 |

Recently, it has been reported that U.S. taxpayers who have maintained undisclosed offshore bank accounts with Credit Suisse are beginning to receive letters from the bank concerning their undisclosed offshore accounts. According to World Radio Switzerland, the letters from Credit Suisse date back to February 2, 2012 and advise their U.S. clients to hire a tax controversy lawyer and enter into the IRS’s 2012 Voluntary Disclosure Program in order to avoid potential criminal investigation.

This development, as well as the initial turn-over of U.S. client information on January 30, 2012, demonstrates that the Swiss bank is beginning to take steps to prepare their U.S. clients for the potential turnover of more client data and the possibility of civil and criminal investigations by the U.S. government.

The attorneys at Thorn Law Group have experience in assisting U.S. taxpayers into compliance through the 2012 IRS Amnesty Program. If you have an undisclosed offshore account contact Thorn Law Group now before it's too late!

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